Numismatische literatuur, nieuw & antiquarisch / numismatic literature
general works, Greek & Celtic, Roman Republic & Empire, Byzantine, coins of the bible, forgeries)
Babelon, E.
TRAITÉ DES MONNAIES GRÈCQUES ET ROMAINES. Reprint in 9 volumes of the Paris 1901-1933 edition. Hardbound 25 x 18 cm., 3340 pages, CCCXL plates. Essential work on Greek Coinage from the beginning to the reign of Alexander the Great. The French text (five volumes) is very well supplemented by the 355 plates of photographs in four volumes depicting the famous collection of the National Library of France. Weight: 9.3 kg. € 870,00Bellinger, A.R. & Alkins Berlincourt, M.
VICTORY AS A COIN TYPE. Reprint (2001) of the 1962 edition. Paperback, 23 x 15,5 cm., 68 pages, XIII plates. Popular 'Victory'coin types from ancient Greek to late Roman/Byzantine. € 21,50Carson, R.A.G. & Kraay, C.M. (editors).
ESSAYS PRESENTED TO HUMPHREY SUTHERLAND * SCRIPTA NUMMARIA ROMANA. 1978 ed., cloth, 25 x 19 cm., xiii, 250 pages, XXIV plates. On request we supply of xerox of the index. € 50,00Clain-Stefanelli, E. & V. & Schön, G
. DAS GROSSE BUCH DER MÜNZEN UND MEDAILLEN MIT MÜNZKATALOG EUROPA VON 1900 BIS HEUTE. 1978 ed., cloth, 308 pages, illustrated. € 11,50*Jameson, R. [Coll.]
MONNAIES GRECQUES ANTIQUES ET IMPERIALES ROMAINES. Reprint (1980) of the 1913-1932 edition. Four volumes, hardbound 28 x 22 cm., 908 pages, CLXIV (164!) plates. € 370,00Penn, R.G.
MEDICINE ON ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 1994 ed., paperback, 23.5 x 15.5 cm., 192 pages, illustrated. Extensive info to medicine on classical coins. € 43,75Porteous, J.
COINS. 1973 ed., hardbound, 96 pages, illustrated. History coinage in the western world 700 BC to present days. € 11,50*--: COINS IN HISTORY. 1969 ed., cloth, 256 pages, illustrated. € 19,00*
Reinfeld, F
. DER MÜNZKENNER. 1970 ed., cloth, 231 p., illustr. From Greek coinage to modern times. € 6,80*Sayles, W.G.
ANCIENT COIN COLLECTING I. 1996 ed., hardbound, 23.5 x 16 cm., 198 pages, illustrated. Introductory guide to collecting ancient coins, history, politics and mythology. How to buy and sell, selected bibliography, etc. € sold out.--: ANCIENT COIN COLLECTING VI. 1999 ed., hardbound, 23.5 x 16 cm., 197 pages, illustrated. The rise and fall of great dynasties such as the Celts, Wanderers, Armenians, Persians, Parthians etc. € 31,25
Spring, J. ANCIENT COIN AUCTION CATALOGUES 1880 – 1980. 2009 ed., hardbound 30,5 x 22 cm., 373 pages, illustrated. This new and extensive listing of 886 ancient coin auction catalogues aims to include every important sale of ancient coins which took place between 1st January 1880 and 31st December 1980, a period of 101 years. The aim has been to include every catalogue before 1914 which has one full plate of ancient coins, between the wars, two full plates, and after 1945 five full plates, but to include any catalogue, even if not illustrated, which supplied a provenance to a coin in a later sale or in a public or private collection. The main listing is preceded by a summary list of the 886 sales, in which basic information is given on a single line, and there is an extensive index of about 950 vendor names. Photographs and short biographies are included for many auctioneers and vendors. Tables are given for the "most important" sales of Celtic, ancient Greek, aes grave, struck Roman Republican, Roman Imperial, Roman Provincial and Byzantine coins, and coins of the barbarian migrations and of ancient Spain, based on counts of the numbers of plates. Weight: 1,6 kg. € 71,50
Stückelberg, E.A
. DER MÜNZSAMMLER. Zürich 1899, bound (priv.), 235 pages, illustrated. Covering a.o. metals, shape, portraits, mints, producemethods etc. € 18,25*Vilaronga, L. & Benages, J. ANCIENT COINAGE OF THE IBERIAN PENINSULA - GREEK / PUNIC / IBERIAN / ROMAN - LES MONEDES DE L'EDAT ANTIGA AL PENINSULA IBERICA. Barcelona 2011, hardbound 31 x 22 cm., 802 pages. Fully illustrated. Bi-langual: English & Catalan. Great work for a moderate price. Weight: 3,2 kg. € 109,00
Abollivier, P.
NUMISMATIQUE ET ARCHÉOLOGIE EN ARMORIQUE OCCIDENTALE À LA FIN DE L'ÂGE DU FER: LE MONNAYAGE DE OSISMES. 2008 ed., paperback 30 x 21 cm., 348 pages, illustrated. French text. Weight: 0,9 kg. € 35,00*Ashton, R. & Hurter, S.
STUDIES IN GREEK NUMISMATICS IN MEMORY OF MARTIN JESSOP PRICE.1998 ed., cloth, 28 x 22.5 cm., xvi, 400 pages, LXXX plates. € 157,50Babelon, E.
LES ORIGINES DE LA MONNAIE D’ATHÈNES. Reprint (1979) of the 1905 ed., hardbound, 23 x 15 cm., 92 pages, some illustrations. Fine study on the origin of the coinage of Athens. € 23,15Baldwin, A.
SYMBOLISM ON GREEK COINS. Reprint (2000) of the 1915 ed., paperback, 25.5 x 17.5 cm., 105 pages, VI plates, textillustrations. € 24,00Blanchet, A.
TRAITÉ DES MONNAIES GAULOISES. Reprint (1983) of the 1905 Paris ed. Hardbound 24.5 x 17.5 cm., v, 630 pages, IV plates, abt. 560 illustrations throughout the text, one geographical map. Weight: 1.28 kg. € 112,00B.M.C.
CATALOGUE OF THE GREEK COINS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Various authors. Reprint in 29 volumes of the 1873-1927 London edition. Hardbound 21.5 x 16.5 cm., a total of 10.688 pages and 949 plates makes this work the most utilized for Greek coins. Weight: 33.2 kg. € 2.600,00 - single volumes each € 98,50Volume I
by Poole, R.S.: Italy (440 pages, illustrated)Volume II
by Poole, R.S. & Head, B.V. & Gardner, P.: Sicily (304 pages, illustrated)Volume III
by Head, B.V. & Gardner, P.: the Tauric Chersonese, Sarmantia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace etc. (286 pages, illustrated)Volume IV
by Gardner, P.: the Seuleucid Kings of Syria (165 pages, XXVIII plates)Volume V
by Head, B.V.: Macedonia (263 pages, 1 geographical map)Volume VI
by Poole, R.S.: the Ptolemies Kings of Egypt (239 pages, XXXII plates)Volume VII
by Gardner, P.: Thessaly to Aetolia (292 pages, XXXII plates)Volume VIII
by Head, B.V.: Central Greece (227 pages, XXIV plates)Volume IX
by Wroth, W.: Crete and the Aegean Island (202 pages, XXIX plates)Volume X
by Gardner, P.: Peloponnesus excl. Corinth. (294 pages, XXXVII plates)Volume XI
by Head, B.V.: Attica, Megaris, Aegina (243 pages, XXVI plates)Volume XII
by Head, B.V.: Corinth, colonies of Corinth etc. (242 pages, XXXIX plates)Volume XIII
by Wroth, W.: Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia and the Kingdom of Bosporus (296 pages, XXXIX plates)Volume XIV
by Head, B.V.: Iona (510 pages, XXXIX plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XV
by Wroth, W.: Mysia (252 pages, XXXV plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XVI
by Poole, R.S.: Alexandria and the Nomes (495 pages, XXXII plates)Volume XVII
by Wroth, W.: Troas, Aeolis and Lesbos (343 pages, XXXXIII plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XVIII
(in two parts) by Head, B.V.: Caria, Cos, Rhodes etc. (443 pages, VL plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XIX
by Hill, G.F.: Lycia, Pamphylia and Pisidia (475 pages, VIL plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XX
by Wroth, W.: Galatia, Cappadocia and Syria (432 pages, XXXVIII plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXI
by Hill, G.F.: Lycaonia, Isauria and Cilicia (427 pages, XL plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXII
by Head, B.V.: Lydia (590 pages, VL plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXIII
by Wroth, W.: Parthia (377 pages, XXXVII plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXIV
by Hill, G.F.: Cyprus (263 pages, XXVI plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXV
by Head, B.V.: Phrygia (597 pages, LIII plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXVI
by Hill, G.F.: Phoenicia (507 pages, VL plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXVII
by Hill, G.F.: Palestina (Galilee, Samaria and Judaea (477 pages, XXXXII plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXVIII
by Hill, G.F.: Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia (578 pages, LV plates, 1 geographical map)Volume XXIX
by Robinson, E.S.G.: Cyrenaica (429 pages, IIIL plates)Bompois, H.F
. EXAMEN CHRONOLOGIQUE DES MONNAIES FRAPPÉES PAR LA COMMUNAUTÉ DES MACÉDONIENS / AVANT, PENDANT ET APRÈS LA CONQUÈTE ROMAINE. Reprint (1980) of the 1876 ed., hardbound, 23 x 16 cm., 102 pages, X plates. € 21,50Boutin, S. MONNAIES GRECQUES ANTIQUES VENTE S.POZZI (AUCTION ARS CLASSIA). Anastatic reedition (1992) of the original auction catalogue of the collection presented together with the work of Serge Boutin printed on high-quality paper and luxuous semileather binding in three volumes. Estimates of the auction results are included, calculated at today’s values. The three volumes in a matching slipcase, 28.5 x 23 cm. € 304,00
Cunningham, A
. COINS OF THE INDO-SCYTHIANS, SAKAS & KUSHANS. Deli 1971, hardbound (very poor), 106 pages, XXIV plates. € 22,00Dattari, G.
MONETE IMPERIALI GRECHE. Reprint of the 1901 Cairo edition. Hardbound 31.5 x 23 cm., 488 pages, XXXVII plates. Covering the Numi Augg Alexandrini. Weight: 1.9 kg. € 143,0Franke, P.R. & Hirmer, M. DIE GRIECHISCHE MÜNZE. Second edition München 1973. Cloth, hardbound 31 x 25 cm., 175 pages, 220 enlarged illustration. Weight: 2,24 kg. € 120,00*
Fritze, H.von & Gaebler, H. [ed
.] NOMISMA. UNTERSUCHUNGEN AUF DEM GEBIETE DER ANTIKEN MÜNZKUNDE I.-X. Reprint of the Berlin 1907-1917 edition. Two volumes, paperback 30 x 21 cm., 444 pages, XL plates. In the highest tradition of German numismatic research, the yearly periodical NOMISMA, was edited by Fritze und Gaebler from 1907 until Fritze's death in 1919. The first ten and most important volumes contain not merely several articles by the most eminent numismatists of their time, and are still not superceded. Weight: 1.47 kg. € 159,00Gardiakos, S. [ed.]. THE COINAGE OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT [An anthology of eleven important volumes on Alexander the Great coinage]. Reprint (1981) of the Copenhagen 1955 ed., hardbound 29 x 23 cm., three volumes, many pages and plates. A must for the collector of the Alexander coinage. Weight: 5,85 kg. € 185,00
Gardner, P.
THE COINAGE OF PARTHIA. Reprint (2000) of the 1877 ed., soft cover, 27.5 x 21.5 cm., iv, 68 pages, VIII plates, concordance with BMC, Petrowicz and Sellwood. Fascinating historical survey of the ancient kingdom of Parthia, as well as the full numismatic story. € 24,00--: CATALOGUE OF GREEK COINS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM - SELEUCID KINGS OF SYRIA. Reprint of the 1878 ed., hardbound, 23,5 x 15,5 cm., xxxix, 126 pages, XXVIII plates. € 37,50
Head, B.V.
HISTORY OF THE COINAGE OF EPHESUS / ON THE CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF THE COINS OF EPHESUS. Reprint (1979) of the 1880 ed., hardbound, 22 x 14 cm., 95 pages, V plates. € 21,50--: (with Hill, G.) THE COINAGE OF LYDIA AND PERSIA AND NOTES ON IMPERIAL PERSIAN COINS. Reprint (2000) of the 1867 ed., soft cover, 27.5 x 21.5 cm., viii, 68 pages, IV plates. Interesting book giving lots of information for collector and historian about these areas. € 24,00
Hill, G.F
. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ANCIENT GREEK COINS. Reprint (1967) of the 1901 ed., hardbound, 26 x 19.5 cm., 164 pages, XXII plates. Catalogue of the collection of John Ward. Index. € 31,25--: SELECT GREEK COINS / A SERIES OF ENLARGEMENTS ILLUSTRATED AND DESCRIBED. Reprint (1974) of the 1927 ed., hardbound, 29 x 22 cm., 62 pages, LXIV plates. The great value of Greek coins as intact masterpieces of ancient art is shown here. Weight: 0,73 kg. € 31,25
--: HISTORICAL GREEK COINS. Reprint (1976) of the 1906 ed., cloth, 22 x 14 cm., 181 pages, XIII plates. Excellent numismatic commentary on the highlights of ancient Greece from the rise of archaic Greece to the Persian war. € 28,80
Howgego, C.J. GREEK IMPERIAL COUNTERMARKS. STUDIES IN THE PROVINCIAL COINAGE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Hardbound 25 x 19,5 cm., xi, 317 pages, 36 maps, XXXIII plates. Unchanged reprint 2005 of RNS 1985 publication. Weight: 1,06 kg. € 115,00
Hültsch, F.
DIE PTOLEMAÏSCHEN MÜNZ- UND RECHNUNGSWERTE. Reprint (1980) of the 1903 ed., cloth, 22.5 x 14.5 cm., 60 p. Well-documented work on the Ptolemaic coins and monetary standards. € 21,00Icard, S
. DICTIONARY OF GREEK COIN INSCRIPTIONS. Reprint (2001) of the 1929 edition, semi-leather hardbound, 26 x 18.5 cm., xxi, 565 pages. Identification of coins by the key-letter and fragmented letter method applied to Greek and Callic coins. French/English text. € 54,50Imhoof-Blumer, F. [ed.].
DIE ANTIKEN MÜNZEN NORD-GRIECHENLANDS (AMNG). Reprint in five volumes of the 1898-1935 Berlin edition. Volume I (in two parts): Pick, B. & Regling, K. Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien. Volume II: Münzer, F. & Strack, M.L. Die antiken Münzen von Thrakien. Volume III: Gaebler, H. Die antiken Münzen von Makedonia und Paionia. Volume IV: Fritze, H. Die antiken Münzen Mysiens. Hardbound 32 x 22.5 cm., 1954 pages, LXXXIV plates. German text. Weight: 7 kg. € 472,00--:
MALLOS, MEGARSOS, ANTIOCHE DU PYRAMOS. Reprint (1979) of the 1883 ed., stapled, 21 x 13.5 cm., 36 pages, II plates. Study on the coinage of Cilicia from the 6th century BC through Roman colonial times. French text. € 5,90Jenkins, G.K
. ANCIENT GREEK COINS. 2nd revised ed.1990, hardbound, 25 x 19.5 cm., 182 pages, illustrated in colour & black/white. Journey to greek coinage broken down in three periods: archaic, classical and hellenistic. € 70,00--: as before. The original 1972 edition. Hardbound, 24.5 x 19 cm., 310 pages. € 85,00*
--: COINS OF GREEK SICILY. Reprint (2000) of the 1976 ed., soft cover, 21 x 14 cm., 64 p., illustrations throughout the text. Introduction to Greek coins struck on Sicily. € 16,00
--: as before. The revised second ed.1976, casebound. € 17,50*
Kambanis, M.L.
NOTES SUR LE CLASSEMENT CHRONOLOGIQUE DES MONNAIES D’ATHÈNES. Reprint (1980) of the 1928 ed., stapled, 27 x 21 cm., 15 pages, II plates. Covering many broad-flan ‘new style’ tetadrachms 229—30 BC. NLG € 6,35Klawans, Z.H
. AN OUTLINE OF ANCIENT GREEK COINS. Reprint (1982) of the 1959 ed., paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 208 pages, 3 maps, illustrated. General intro for beginners. € 19,00Kroll, A.J
. THE ATHENIAN AGORA, RESULTS OF EXCAVATIONS CONDUCTED BY THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS, VOLUME XXVI: THE GREEK COINS. With contributions by Alan S.Walker. 1993 ed., casebound, 31 x 23.5 cm., xvii, 376 pages, XXVI plates. € 115,00Lambros, P
. GOLD COINS OF PHILIPPI. Reprint (1975) of the 1970 ed., paperback, 19 p., I plate, 1 map. Brief history and listing. € 3,65MacDonald, G.
CATALOGUE OF GREEK COINS IN THE HUNTERIAN COLLECTION - UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. Reprint in four volumes of the Glasgow 1889-1905 edition. Hardbound 32 x 22.5 cm., total of 2020 pages and CII plates. Weight: 7.1 kg. € 490,00May, J.M.F. & Kraay, C.M. &Jenkinks, G.K
. THE COINAGE OF ABDERA 540-345 BC. 1966 ed., cloth, xi, 293 pages, XXIV plates, index. € 61,25*Melville Jones, J.
A DICTIONARY OF ANCIENT GREEK COINS. Reprint (1998) of the 1987 ed., cloth,24 x 16 cm., 256 pages, 300 illustrations., tables. Traditional A-Z dictionary. € 52,50Mitchiner, M.
INDO - GREEK AND INDO - SCYTHIAN COINAGE. Nine-volume set, stapled (somewhat disappointing!), 31 x 21 cm. Forming one of the most important work ever published on the subject. Over 10.000 photographs illustrate the history of coinage in Afghanistan and Pakistan during the five centuries elapsed from the coming of Greek culture with Alexander the Great 330 BC until the foundation of the Sassanian Empire by Ardeshir in 226 AD. Price per volume: € 41,85.Vol.I-1975 ed. The early Indo - Greeks and their antecedants: Alexander the Great, the satraps of Egypt, Babylon, Ecbatana, Bactra and Kapisa: the Seleucids, circa 330 to 150 BC. xxix, 102 pages, illustrated. Sold out
Vol.II-1975 ed. The apogee of the Indo - Greeks, circa 160 to 120 BC. xix, 78 pages, illustrated. Sold out.
Vol.III-1975 ed. The decline of the Indo - Greeks, circa 130 to 0 BC. xix, 100 pages, illustrated. Sold out.
Vol.IV-1975 ed. Contemporaries of the Indo - Greek: Kings of Sogdonia. Indian states of Taxila - Gandhara and the Punjab. Indo - Greek mints, coin denominations and forgeries. xxi, 107 pages, illustrated.
Vol.V-1976 ed. Establishment of the Scythians in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Parthians, the dynasties of Otannes and Vonones, the conquests of Maues circa 130 to 40 BC. xxi, 89 pages, illustrated.
Vol.VI-1976 ed. The dynasty of Azes circa 60 to 1 BC. xviii, 98 pages, illustrated. Sold out.
Vol.VII-1976 ed. The decline of the Indo - Scythians. The satraps Zeionises, Kharahostes, Rujuvula etc. Contemporaries of the Indo - Scythians. The Yaudheyas, Arjunayanas, various Janapdas etc. xix, 92 pages, illustrated.
Vol.VIII-1976 ed. The Indo - Parthians. Their Kushan neighbours. xix, 108 pages, illustrated.
Vol.IX-1976 ed. Greeks, Sakas and their contemporaries in Central and Southern India. The Indo - Parthians, Western Satraps, Chutus, Abhiras and Satavahanas. xx, 139 pages, illustrated. Sold out.
MANUEL DE NUMISMATIQUE ORIENTALE DE L’ANTIQUITÉ ET DU MOYEN AGE. Reprint (1979) of the 1923/26 ed., paperback, 21 x 14 cm., 486 pages, illustrated. General intro to Persian dynasties, Phoenican colonies, the Macedion period, Parts Arsacides from Persia, Mesopotamia etc. Weight: 0,58 kg. € 32,00Newell, E.T.
THE SELEUCID MINT OF ANTIOCH. Reprint (1978) of the 1917 ed., hardbound, 28 x 21 cm., 151 pages, XIII plates. Gold, silver and bronze issues of Seleucus II through Antiochus II to the end of the dynasty. Weight: 0,87 kg. € 47,50--: THE COINAGES OF DEMETRIUS POLIORCETES. Reprint (1978) of the 1927 ed., hardbound, 28 x 21 cm., ix, 188 pages, XVIII plates. Demetrius Poliorcetes ranks perhaps second only to Alexander the Great for being both the wonder and despair of his times. Chapters devoted to issues from Greece, Asia minor, Cyprus and the Levant. Fine work. € 101,25
--: SOME CYPRIOTE ‘ALEXANDERS’. Reprint (1974) of the 1915 ed., stapled, 21 x 13.5 cm., 32 pages, IV plates. Valuable insight into the study and classification of an important hoard. € 7,50
--: THE PRE-IMPERIAL COINAGE OF ROMAN ANTIOCH. Reprint (1980) of the 1919 ed., stapled, 21 x 13 cm., 45 pages, II plates. Study on tetradrachms of Philipus Philadelphus struck in Antioch during the first century BC. € 6,35
--: STANDARD PTOLEMAIC SILVER / WITH CURRENT VALUATION GUIDE AND RECLASSIFICATION OF RULER. Revised reprint (1981) of the 1941 ed., stapled, 23 x 15 cm., 9 pages, VII plates. € 7,50
--: THE DATED ALEXANDER COINAGE OF SIDON AND AKE. Limited reprint (2000) of Newell's personal copy (1916), soft covers, 27.5 x 21.5 cm., 80 pages, X plates. € 56,75
--: ROYAL GREEK PORTRAIT COINS. Reprint (2001) of the 1937 ed., paperback, 21 x 14 cm., 87 pages, illustrated, XVI plates. Survey of greek kings depicted on coins. € 19,25
Nash, D. COINAGE IN THE CELTIC WORLD. Reprint [2004] of the 1987 ed. Paperback 21.5 x 14 cm., 154 pages with 24 plates. An invaluable and fascinating survey of one of the most interesting and little-known ancient societies. Weight: 0,34 kg. € 32,00
Pink, K. DIE MÜNZPRÄGUNG DER OSTKELTEN UND IHRER NACHBARN. Second edition 1974 by Robert Göbl. Hardbound, 29 x 22 cm., 136 pages, XXX plates, 1 map. Fine work on Celtic (eastern) coinage and their neighbours. Weight 1,02 kg. € 24,00
Plant, R. GREEK COIN TYPES AND THEIR IDENTIFICATION. Reprint [2004] of the 1979 ed. Paperback 24.5 x 19 cm., 343 pages, line-drawings. A guide to the identification of Greek coins for the beginner to the specialist. Weight: 0,77 kg. € 39,75
Price, M.
COINS OF THE MACEDONIANS. Reprint (2000) of the 1974 ed., soft cover, 21 x 14 cm., viii, 47 pages, XVI plates. Introduction to coins of Macedonia. € 16,00Ratto, R
. COLLECTION CLAUDIUS CÔTE DE LYON: MONNAIES DE TARENTE. Reprint (1976) of the 1929 ed., soft covers, 26 x 19 cm., 42 pages, XIX plates. An important collection of ancient Tarentum. € 10,90Ravel, O.E.
LES "POULAINS" DE CORINTHE [Monographie des statères Corinthiens - tome I: 650-415 avant J.C.; tome II: 414-300 avant J.C.] Reprint (1979) of the Basel / London ed.1936-1948. Hardbound 26 x 18 cm., 445 pages, LXXVIII plates. Authorative work on Corinthian staters 650-300 B.C. of Crete. € 74,00Roberts, W.R. & Head, B.V.
THE ANCIENT BOEOTIANS AND THE COINAGE OF BOEOTIA. Reprint (1974) of the 1891/95 ed., paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 208 pages, VI plates, one map. Description and analyse of the ancient coinage from the beginning through roman times. € 25,00Sayles, W.G
. ANCIENT COIN COLLECTING II - NUMISMATIC ART OF THE GREEK WORLD. Second ed. 2007, hardbound, 23.5 x 16 cm., 292 pages, illustrated. Featuring coins of the Archaic, Classical & Hellenistic periods. Expanded guide to attribution. Learn to judge style and select specimens. Weight: 0,62 kg. € 31,25Schofield L. MYKENE - GESCHICHTE UND MYTHOS. 2009 edition. Hardbound 24 x 16,5 cm., 212 pages, illustrated in colour and black/white. Italian/English text. Weight: 0,81 kilogram. € 30,00.
Sear D.R.
GREEK COINS AND THEIR VALUES Volume I: EUROPE. Reprint (2000) of the 1978 ed., cloth, 22 x 15 cm, 317 pages, XIII maps, illustrated and valuations. € 43,50--: GREEK COINS AND THEIR VALUES Volume II: ASIA AND NORTH AFRICA. Reprint (2000) of the 1979 ed., cloth, 22 x 15 cm, 493 pages., maps and tables. Illustrated and valuations. € 51,00
--: As before. The original edition with orange-brown dust-jacket. € 40,00*
--: GREEK COINS AND THEIR VALUES Volume III: IMPERIAL COINS / THE LOCAL COINAGES OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Reprint (2001) of the 1982 ed., cloth, 22 x 15 cm., xxxv, 636 pages., X maps, illustrated and valuations, indexed. € 57.25
Seltman, C.T
. THE TEMPLE COINS OF OLYMPIA. Reprint (1975) of the 1921 ed., hardbound, 28.5 x 22 cm., 117 pages, XII plates. Die-study for the beautiful and interesting coinage of Elis struck for the Olympic Games. € 44,50Sills, J.
GAULISH AND EARLY BRITISH GOLD COINAGE. London 2003, xii, 554 pages, XVII plates; 40 maps, 1 folding, 123 figures, 39 tables, foldout map. Cloth 30.5 x 21.5 cm. This major new work is a classification, die study and discussion of Celtic gold from the arrival of the Philippus in Gaul to the start of the Gallic Wars, with increasing emphasis on north-eastern France and southern Britain. Weight: 2,5 kg. € 148,50Starr, Ch
. ATHENIAN COINAGE. Reprint (2000) of the 1970 ed., paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 96 pages, XXVI plates. € 24,00Stillman, W.J.
THE COINAGE OF THE GREEKS. 1975 ed., stapled, 26 x 19 cm., 16 pages, illustrated. A brief general description of Greek coinage. € 4,30Svoronos, J.N
. L’HELLÉNISME PRIMITIF DE LA MACÉDOINE PROUVÉ PAR LA NUMISMATIQUE ET L’OR DU PANGÉE. Reprint (1979) of the 1919 ed., hardbound, 26 x 18 cm., 280 pages, two fold-outs, XIX plates. Early coinage of Macedonia and provincial issues. Weight: 0,86 kg. € 53,00--: SUR LA SIGNIFICANCE DES TYPES MONETAIRES DES ANCIENS. Reprint (1980) of the 1894 ed., stapled, 21 x 14 cm., 30 pages, 65 illustr. A study on stars, moons etc. on ancient Greek coins. € 6,60
Sydenham, E.A
. THE COINAGE OF CAESAREA IN CAPPADOCIA. Updated reprint (1978) of the 1933 ed. with a supplement by A.G.Malloy adding more data and knowledge to this important mint. cloth, 22.5 x 14.5 cm., 167 pages, II plates, illustrated. € 33,75Sylloge Nummorum Græcorum
Copenhagen, the Royal collection, Danish national museum. High quality reprint (1982/90) of volumes I to XLIII hardbound in eight matching volumes of 39 x 28.5 cm. In all 610 pages, DLXXIII (573) plates. Vol.1-5: Italy and Sicily; Vol.6-10: Thrace and Macedonia; Vol.11-17: Greece-Thessaly / Aegean islands; Vol.18-21: Bosporus to Lesbos; Vol.22-28: Ionia, Caria and Lydia; Vol.29-33: Phrygia to Cilicia; Vol. 34-39: Cyprus to India; Vol.40-43: Egypt - the Ptolemies, Alexandria - Cyrenaica, North Africa - Syrtica, Mauretania, Spain - Gaul. € 1.060,00--: Deutschland, Sammlung von Aulock. High quality reprint (1987) of volumes I to XVIII hardbound in four matching volumes of 39 x 28.5 cm. In all v, 304 pages, CCCIV (304) plates. Vols.1-3: Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bythinia; Vol.4: Mysien; Vol.5: Troas Aeolis, Lesbos; Vol.6: Ionien; Vol.7: Karien; Vol.8: Lydien; Vol.9: Phrygien; Vol.10: Lykien; Vol.11: Pamphylien; Vol.12: Pisidien, Lykaonien, Isaurien; Vol.13: Kilikien; Vol.14: Galitien, Kappado-kienk kaiserzeitliche Kistophoren, posthume Lysimachus und Alexander-Tetradrachmen, Incerti. Nachträge I, II, III und IV. € 635,00
Tudeer, L.O.Th.
DIE TETRADRACHMENPRÄGUNG VON SYRAKUS IN DER PERIODE DER SIGNIERENDE KÜNSTLER. Reprint (1979) of the 1913 edition, hardbound 23.5 x 15.5 cm., 292 pages, VII plates. German text. € 47,50Waddington, W.H. & Babelon, E. & Reinach, T.
RECUEIL GÉNÉRAL DES MONNAIES GRÈCQUES D'ASIE MINEURE. Reprint in two volumes of the Paris 1904-1912 edition. Parte I: Pont et Paphlagonie; Parte II: Bithynie jusqu'à Juliopolis; Parte III: Nicée et Nicomédie; Parte IV: Prusa, Prusias, Tius. Hardbound 32 x 22.5 cm., 640 pages, CXI plates. Weight: 2.8 kg. € 285,00Whitehead, R.B.
CATALOGUE OF COINS IN THE PUNJAB MUSEUM, LAHORE, VOLUME 1: INDO-GREEK COINS. Reprint (1969) of the 1914 ed., hardbound 23.5 x 16 cm., xii, 218 pages, XX plates. € 25,00*
Alexandropoulos, J.
LES MONNAIES DE L'AFRIQUE ANTIQUE 400 AV.J.-C. - 40 AP. J.-C. First ed.1999, paperback 24 x 16 cm., 507 pages, XVII plates. Description of 898 coins classified in 661 different types. Corresponding to the works of Müller, Jenkins-Lewis, SNG, Le Mazard and RPC. French text. € 61,00Arrizabalaga y Prado, L. THE EMPEROR ELAGABALUS FACT OR FICTION? 2001 reprint, hardback 23,5 x 16 cm., 381 pages, few illustrations and few ink notes. What is true about this adolescent Roman emperor and what not? Weight: 0,82 kg. € 27,50*
Babelon, E. DESCRIPTION HISTORIQUE ET CHRONOLOGIQUE DES MONNAIES DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE ROMAINE. Reprint of the Paris 1885-1886 edition. Cloth, hardbound 25 x 18 cm., two volumes, 1288 pages, illustrated. Though a bit outdated the classification by moneyer is still useful for quick identification. French text. Weight: 2.5 kilogram. € 200,00
Banti, A. & Simonetti L. CORPVS NVMMORVM ROMANORVM. Volume XII: Da Germanico a Caligola. Firenze 1976. Cloth, hardbound 26,5 x 19,5 cm., 332 pages, illustrated. Italian/English text. Weight: 1,1 kilogram. € 75,00
Banti, A. & Simonetti L. CORPVS NVMMORVM ROMANORVM. Volume XVI: Da Messalina a Nerone. Firenze 1978. Cloth, hardbound 26,5 x 19,5 cm., 339 pages, illustrated. Italian/English text. Weight: 1,1 kilogram. € 30,00
Becker, M & Bern, Ch. & Boschung, D. TRAIAN, EIN KAISER DER SUPERLATIVE AM BEGINN EINER UMBRUCHZEIT? 2002 ed., hardbound 30 x 21 cm., 184 pages. Fully illustrated in black/white and colour. German text. Weight: 1,15 kg. € 35,00*
Bellinger, A.R
. THE SYRIAN TETRADRACHMS OF CARACALLA AND MACRINUS. Reprint (1981) of the 1940 ed., hardbound, 26 x 18 cm., 116 pages, XXVI plates. € 37,50Bremser, W. & Rupprecht, R.
RÖMISCHE MÜNZEN UND IHRE PREISE (ein Überblick über die Preisgestaltung antiker Münzen anhand von 10.000 Zitaten aus Auktionsergebnisse und Händlerlisten). 1988/89 ed., hardbound, 30 x 21,5 cm., two volumes, 307 pages. No illustrations. With references to R.I.C., BMC, Cohen etc. € 21,50Calicó, X
. LOS DENARIOS ROMANOS ANTERIORES A J.C. 3rd ed.2001, hardbound surrogate leather, dustjacket, 22,5 x 16 cm., 523 pages, fully illustrated. Valuations in Pesetas and Euro. A very thorough and extensive guide to the silver denarii B.C. With references to all main standard works. € 50,00--: LOS AUREOS ROMANOS 196 AC - 335 DC. First ed.2002, hardbound, surrogate leather, dustjacket, 223.5 x 28 cm., 752 pages, 3657 illustrations, over 5200 coins described. Outstanding survey of 3,65 kg. to Roman gold Aureii from 196 BC to 335 AD. Cross references to main standard works. Rarity - indications. € 153,00
Carson, R.A.G. & Hill, P.W. & Kent, J.P.C
. LATE ROMAN BRONZE COINAGE. Reprint 1990, paperback, 26 x 18 cm., 114 pages, IV plates. Bronze coinage of the house of Constantine AD 324—346 and bronze Roman imperial coinage of the later empire AD 346—398. Weight: 0,29 kg. € 26,50Casey, P.J. CARAUSIUS AND ALLECTUS: THE BRITISH USURPERS (A.D. 286-296). 1994, ed., cloth 24 x 16,5 cm., 213 pages, illustrated. Under Carausius and his successor Allectus Britain for a decade achieved an independence whith threatened the stability of the Roman Empire. Weight: 0,67 kg. € 27,50*
Cohen, H.
DESCRIPTION HISTORIQUE DES MONNAIES FRAPPÉES SOUS L'EMPIRE ROMAIN. Reprint (Forni) of the 1880-1892 London-Paris edition in nine volumes. Hardbound 22 x 16.5 cm. The numbering system of Cohen was used for the "Roman Silver Coins" series and also for many others. The coins are conveniently, but not very scientifically, arranged alphabetically by reverse legend, and then by type with the "Greek Imperial" Coinages included at the end. Some text illustrations. Volume 9 as index in french, english, german and spanish. Weight: 6.7 kg. € 635,00Comparette, T.L.
AES SIGNATUM. Reprint (1978) of the 1919 ed., hardbound, 28 x 21.5 cm., 61 p., VIII plates. Significant study on the early cast bar coinage of Italy. All know varieties classified. € 26,50Duncan-Jones, R
. MONEY AND GOVERNMENT IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE. 1994 ed., hardbound, xix, 300 pages, illustrated, tables and graphics throughout the text. € 72,15Fernández Molina, J. & Fernández Carrera, M. & Calico Estivill, X
. A GUIDE TO THE DENARII OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC TO AUGUSTUS. 2002 ed., casebound 27 x 19.5 cm., 270 pages, fully illustrated, valuations in US$. Fine publication on the silver Denarius issued during the Roman Republic up to emperor Augustus. As the publications of Sear, Roman silver coins and their values, volume I has been sold out for a long time this work fills the gap. € 63,50Förschner, G
. DIE MÜNZEN DER RÖMISCHEN KAISER IN ALEXANDRIEN. 1987 ed., casebound, 22.5 x 17.5 cm., 455 pages, fully illustrated. Description of the collection of the Historical museum of Frankfurt Main. 1400 coins described and illustrated, covering Alexandrian Roman coinage from 27 BC to 311 AD. Cross-references. Fine photography. € 52,25Gnecchi, F. & Elmer, G
. THE COIN - TYPES OF IMPERIAL ROME. Reprint (1978) of the 1908 ed., hardbound, 23 x 15 cm., 81 pages, XX plates. A guide for immediate identification of main types. € 19,25Göbl, R.
EINFÜHRUNG IN DIE MÜNZKUNDE DER RÖMISCHE KAISERZEIT. 2nd ed.1960, cloth, 21 x 15 cm., 72 pages, VI plates. € 19,25Grant, M
. ROMAN IMPERIAL MONEY. 1972 ed., paperback, 324 pages, illustrated. XXX plates. € 38,50*Harlan, M.
ROMAN REPUBLICAN MONEYERS AND THEIR COINS 63 BC - 49 BC. 1995 ed., paperback, 23.5 x 15.5 cm., 206 p., ill.. A selection of 30 moneyers describing career, social, political and family history. € 43,75--: ROMAN REPUBLICAN MONEYERS AND THEIR COINS 81 BC - 64 BC. 2012 edition, paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 222 pages, illustrated. A selection of 34 moneyers describing career, social, political and family history. € 32,00
Hill, G.F
. HISTORICAL ROMAN COINS. Reprint (1976) of the 1909 ed., hardbound, 22 x 14 cm., 191 pages, XV plates. € 27,25Hill, P.V
. THE COINAGE OF SEPTIMUS SEVERUS AND HIS FAMILY OF THE MINT OF ROME A.D. 193-217. Reprint (2001) of the 1977 edition. Paperback, 25,5 x 18 cm., 42 pages, II plates. Extensive survey to the coinage of this famous emperor and his family. € 16,75Jobert, L. & Alençon, J. LODEWIJK JOBERTS KENNISSE DER ALOUDE EN HEDENDAAGSCHE GEDENKPENNINGEN ZYNDE HIER BIJGEVOEGD VEELE NIEUWE ONDEKKINGEN ALS MEDE EENE LYST VAN ALL DE ROMEINSCHE KEIZERS EN KEIZERINNEN...... WELKER BEELDENISSEN OP DE GEDENKPENNINGEN GEVONDEN WORDEN, VAN JULIUS CAESAR AF TOT HERACLIUS TOE.... Leiden 1728, oude bibliotheek bindwijze, 19 x 12 cm., 510 pages, 11 platen. Gewicht: 0,49 kg. Gedrukt bij Johan Arnold Langerack. Inhoud o.k., moet opnieuw gebonden worden. € 75,00*
Howgego, C.J. GREEK IMPERIAL COUNTERMARKS. STUDIES IN THE PROVINCIAL COINAGE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Hardbound 25 x 19,5 cm., xi, 317 pages, 36 maps, XXXIII plates. Unchanged reprint 2005 of RNS 1985 publication. Weight: 1,06 kg. € 115,00
Kampmann, U. DIE MÜNZEN DER RÖMISCHEN KAISERZEIT. 2nd ed.2011, hardbound 24 x 17 cm., 544 pages, lavishly illustrated, valuations in euro for Fine, VF and EF. German text. Dealing with roman coins 100 BC to 476 AD. Incl. mint history, family tree for each empero etc. Totally revised and updated "Kankelfitz". Weight: 1,46 kg. € 39,90
Kent, J.P.C. & Overbeck, B. & Stylow, A.U. DIE RÖMISCHE MÜNZE. München 1973. Cloth, hardbound 31 x 25 cm., 195 pages, 172 enlarged illustrations. Weight: 2,12 kg. € 100,00*
King, Cathy E. ROMAN QUINARII FROM THE REPUBLIC TO DIOCLETIAN AND THE TETRARCHY. First ed. 2007, hardbound 25,5 x 19,5 cm., xxii, 436 pages, XXVII plates (actual size), XVII platen (enlargements). Highly detailed work on the quinarius. Weight: 1,57 kg. € 122,00
Lanckorónski, L.M
. DAS RÖMISCHE BILDNIS IM MEISTERWERKEN DER MÜNZKUNST. 1944 ed., hardbound, 115 pages, LX plates. € 34,00*Mattingly, H.
"AES" AND "PECUNIA" / RECORDS OF ROMAN CURRENCY DOWN TO 269 BC. Reprint 1979, stapled, 21 x 14 cm., 19 pages. € 4,30--: THE VARIOUS STYLES OF THE ROMAN REPUBLICAN COINAGE. Reprint 1977, stapled, 21 x 14 cm., 18 pages. € 3,65
--: A GUIDE TO REPUBLICAN AND IMPERIAL ROMAN COINS (IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM). Reprint (1980) of the 1927 ed., cloth, 22 x 14 cm., 82 pages, VIII plates. Several illustrations throughout the text. € 17,50
--: ROMAN COINS / FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE FALL OF THE WESTERN EMPIRE. Reprint (1987) of the 1928 ed., hardbound, 23.5 x 16 cm., 360 pages, LXIV plates depicting over 1500 illustrations. Epilogue, index and key to the plates. € 43,50
Mattingly, H. et al.
BRITISH MUSEUM. Reprint [2005] in six volumes. Cloth 25 x 16.5 cm.
Volume I: Augustus to Vetellius, 704 pages, LXIV plates.
Volume II: Vespasian to Domitian, 592 pages, LXXXIII plates.
Volume III: Nerva to Hadrian, 832 pages, CII plates.
Volume IV: Antonius Pius to Commodus, 1168 p., CXI plates.
Volume V: Pertinax to Elagabalus, 976 pages, IIIC plates.
Volume VI: Severus Alexander to Balbinus Pupienus, 320 pages, LVI plates.
A fine, limited, reprint of the original, issued between 1923 - 1962. Weight:
10.2 kg. € 635,00
Milne, J.G
. CATALOGUE OF ALEXANDRIAN COINS. Reprint (1982) of the 1927 ed., hardbound, 28.5 x 22 cm., lxviii, 155 pages, VI plates, two charts, 10 pages supplement. Reference work for coinage struck for Egypt under the Roman emperors Augustus to Diocletanius. Weight: 1,09 kg. € 58,50Paske, H.J.te
. MUNTEN VERTELLEN HUN GESCHIEDENIS "DE ROMEINEN". 1981 ed., paperback, 20 x 13 cm., 96 pages, illustrated. General informative intro to Roman coinage. € 7,25Reece, R. &James, S
. IDENTIFYING ROMAN COINS. 1987 ed., hardbound, 22.5 x 14 cm., 64 pages., illustrated. Practical guide to the identification of site finds in Britain. € 17,50Roman Imperial Coinage
(R.I.C.). A ten-volume serie, all volumes hardbound in buckram, 24.5 x 15 cm., with plates illustrating the coins of the period covered. Authors: Mattingly, H. & Sydenham E.A. & Webb, P.H. & Pearce, J.W.E. & Sutherland, C.H.V. &Bruun, P.M, Carradice, I.A., Buttrey, T.V.--: Vol.I- Augustus to Vitelius 31 BC—AD 69. Reprint (2000) of the 1984 ed., xxii, 304 p., XXXIII plates. € sold out
--: Vol.II / part I- Vespian to Domitian AD 69—96. Second ed. 2007, revised and improved, xxiv, 404 pages, CLX plates. Weight: 1,42 kg. € 140,00
--: Vol.II / part II - AD 96 - 138. Unknown publication date.
--: Vol.III- Antonius Pius to Commodus AD138—192. Repr.(‘97) of the 1930 ed., xviii, 514 p., XVI plates. € 86,50
--: Vol.IV- Pertinax to Uranius Antonius AD 193—254. Repr.(‘93) of the 1936-49 ed., xlvii, 867 p., XLV plates. € 163,50
--: Vol.V- Valerian to Amandus AD 255-284. Reprint (1998) in two volumes. xxxvi, 1125 p., XXXII plates. € sold out
--: Vol.VI- Diocletian to Maximinus AD 284—310. Reprint (1997) of the 1967 ed., xxiii, 727 p., XVI plates. € 86,50
--: Vol.VII- Constantine to Licinius AD 305—324. Reprint (1997) of the 1966 ed., xxxi, 778 p., XXIV plates. € sold out
--: Vol.VIII- The family of Constantine I AD 337—364. 1981 ed., xlix, 605 pages, XXVII plates. € 213,25
--: Vol.IX- Valentian I to Theodosius I AD 364—395. Reprint (1997) of the 1933 ed., xliv, 334 p., XVI plates. € sold out
--: Vol.X- The divided empire and the fall of the Western part AD 395—491. 1994 ed., clxxxiii, 510 pages, LXXX plates. € sold out
Roman Provincial Coinage
(R.P.C.) A new ten-volume serie on the coins minted in the provinces of the Empire, all volumes casebound, 28 x 22.5 cm. Authors: Burnett, A. & Carradice, I. & Amandry, M. & Pau Ripollès, P. & Spoerri Butcher, M.--: Volume I Part I:Death Caesar to the death of Vitellius (44 BC-AD69). Revised reprint 1998, xvii, 727 p., 7 maps. Part II: 85 pages indices, CVC plates. Sold out.
--: Volume I Supplement. Corrections and additions. 1998 ed., 72 pages, XI plates. € Sold out.
--: Volume II Part I: Vespasian to Domitian (AD 69-96). 1999 ed., xic, 343 pages. Part II: 43 pages indices, CXX plates. Weight: 2,81 kg. € 236,00
--: Volume VII Part I Province d'Asie - Gordien Ier à Gordien III (AD 238-244). 2006 edition., 324 pages, LXVII plates. This volume in french! Weight: 1,89 kg. € 175,00
Rouge, & Feuardent, F.
MONNAIES DES NOMES DE L’EGYPTE. Reprint (1979) of the 1870 ed., paperback 21 x 14 cm., 121 pages, illustrated. Coinage and nomes and prefectures of Roman Egypt. € 19,25Sayles, W.G.
ANCIENT COIN COLLECTING III: THE ROMAN WORLD - POLITICS AND PROPAGANDA.Second ed. 2007, hardbound, 23.5 x 16 cm., 292 pages, illustrated. Weight: 0,63 kg. € 31,25--: ANCIENT COIN COLLECTING IV: ROMAN PROVINCIAL COINS. 1998 ed., hardbound, 23.5 x 16 cm.,198 pages, illustrated. € 31,25
Schueren, J.L.van der.
L’EMPIRE ROMAIN - EVENEMENTS/GENEALOGIE. 1993 ed., stapled, 29.5 x 21 cm., 40 pages, maps. Genealogical survey of the Roman empire. € 9,00Seaby, H.A.
ROMAN SILVER COINS. All cloth, 22 x 14.5 cm., illustrated and valuations.Volume I - REPUBLIC TO AUGUSTUS. Reprint [2004] of the 1978 ed. 172 pages. € 39,75
Volume II - TIBERIUS TO COMMODUS. Reprint [2004] of the 1979 ed. 264 pages. € 39,75
Volume .III- PERTINAX—BALBINUS & PUPIENUS. 2nd ed.1982, 161 pages. € 39,75
Volume IV- GORDIAN III—POSTUMUS. 2nd ed.1982, 137 pages. € 39,75
Volume V- CARAUSIUS—ROMULUS AUGUSTUS. By C.E.King. Reprint (1997), 214 pages. € 39,75
Sear, D.R
. ROMAN COINS AND THEIR VALUES VOLUME I 280 BC - AD 96 THE REPUBLIC AND THE TWELVE CAESARS. 5th ed. 2000, casebound, 22 x 15 cm., 532 pages, completely rewritten, edited and revised. Valuations for two degrees of preservation in UK£ and US$. Lavishly illustrated. € 57,50--: ROMAN COINS AND THEIR VALUES VOLUME IV AD 284 - 337 THE TETRARCHIES AND THE RISE OF THE HOUSE OF CONSTANTINE: THE COLLAPSE OF PAGANISM AND THE TRIUMPH OF CHRISTIANITY, DIOCLETIAN TO CONSTANTINE. 1st ed. 2011, casebound, 22 x 15 cm., 552 pages. Valuations for two degrees of preservation in UK£ and US$. Lavishly illustrated. Weight: 1,1 kg. € 57,50
--: ROMAN COINS AND THEIR VALUES VOLUME V AD 337 - 491 THE CHRISTIAN EMPIRE: THE LATER CONSTANTINIAN DYNASTY AND THE HOUSES OF VALENTINIAN AND THEODOSIUS AND THEIR SUCCESSORS, CONSTANTINE II TO ZENO. 1st ed. 2014, casebound, 22 x 15 cm., 575 pages. Valuations for two degrees of preservation in UK£ and US$. Lavishly illustrated. Weight: 1,18 kg. € 63,50
--: GREEK IMPERIAL COINS AND THEIR VALUES / THE LOCAL COINAGES OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Reprint [2001] of the 1982 ed., cloth, 22 x 15 cm., xxxv, 636 p., X maps, indexed. € 57,25
--: THE HISTORY AND COINAGE OF THE ROMAN IMPERATORS 49 - 27 BC. 1998 ed., casebound, 26 x 19 cm., xxxii, 360 pages., illustrated. € 84,00
Stevenson, S.W.
A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN COINS. Reprint 1982, hardbound, 24.5 x 16 cm., 929 pages, illustrated. € 61,25*Sutherland, C.H.V.
COINAGE IN ROMAN IMPERIAL POLICY 31 BC—AD 68. Reprint (1978) of the 1951 ed., hardbound, 24 x 15 cm., 220 pages, XVII plates. Extensive info on this troublesome period. Weight: 0,47 kg. € 21,25--: MÜNZEN DER RÖMER. 1974 ed., hardbound, 25 x 19 cm., 311 pages, lavishly illustrated in black/white and colour. € 60,00*
Sydenham, E.A
. THE COINAGE OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC. Reprint (1995) of the 1976 ed., hardbound, 26 x 18 cm., lxix, 343 pages, XXX plates. Additions by G.C.Haines and Harold B.Mattingly. Weight: 1,22 kg. € 69,00--: THE COINAGE OF NERO. Reprint (1982) of the 1920 ed., hardbound, 24 x 14 cm., 176 pages, IV plates. Fine work of the coinage of this notorious ruler. € 21,25
--: AES GRAVE. A STUDY OF THE CAST COINAGES OF ROME AND CENTRAL IITALY. Reprint (1975) of the London 1926 edition. Paperback 31 x 21 cm., 143 pages, XXIX plates. This work by Sydenham was the first "handbook" in English on this subject and has an extensive and excellent introduction. Weight: 0.6 kg. € 87,00
--: As before. € 56,50*
Thurlow, B.K. & Vecchi, I.G.
. LE MONETE D’ARGENTO DELLA REPUBLICA ROMANA. 1994 ed., hardbound, 25 x 17.5 cm., 163 pages, illustrated. Covering Roman republican coinage 280—12 BC. With references to Sydenham,Campana, Babelon, BMC, Cohen, Crawford, R.I.C. etc. Separate priceguide. € 24,00Westdal, S.J. DICTIONARY OF ROMAN COIN INSCRIPTIONS. Reprint [2004] of the 1971 ed., paperback 22.5 x 15 cm., 140 pages. Most practical guide to identify inscriptions on Roman coins. Weight: 0.25 kg. € 18,00
Bateson, J.D. & Campbell, I.G.
BYZANTINE NUMISMATIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1950—1994. Two volumes, hardbound 22.5 x 14 cm., 59 & 68 pages. Four pages with fake Byzantine coins. All books and articles that have been published on Byzantine coins, seals and weights are described. € 32,00Sayles, W.G
. ANCIENT COIN COLLECTING V: THE ROMAION/BYZANTINE CULTURE. 1999 ed., hardbound, 23.5 x 16 cm., 208 pages, illustrated. Exploring the civilized world after the fall of Rome through the coins of the Romaioi, Greek citizens of the Roman East. € 31,25Sear, D.R
. BYZANTINE COINS AND THEIR VALUES. Reprint (1996) of the 1987 ed., cloth, 22 x 15 cm., 526 p., illustrated, valuations. From the reign of Anastasius I (491—518) until the capture of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453. Incl. seven maps and a table with monograms. € 63,50Sommer, A.U. DIE MÜNZEN DES BYZANTINISCHEN REICHES 491 - 1453 [Mit einem Anhang: die Münzen des Kaiserreichs von Trapezunt]. First edition 2010, hardbound 24,5 x 17,5 cm., 536 pages, fully illustrated, valuations in euro. Weight: 1,44 kg. € 49,90
Aiken Banks, F
. COINS OF BIBLE DAYS. Reprint (1985) of the 1955 ed., paperback, 23 x 15 cm., 180 pages, illustrated. € 22,00Meshorer, Y.
A Treasury of
Jewish Coins.
English edition (2001) of the original Hebrew
publication. Hardbound 27,5 x 21,5 cm.,. x , 356 pages,
80 plates. Text illustrations throughout.
Replaces ‘Ancient Jewish Coinage’ vols, 1, 2 and the supplement, in a single
volume, fully expanded into a new work. Weight: 1,44 kg. €
Rogers, E. HANDY GUIDE TO JEWISH COINS. Reprint (2001) of the 1914 ed., paperback, 21 x 14 cm., 108 pages, IX plates. Introduction to and identification of Jewish coins. € 24,00
Hill, G.F.
BECKER THE COUNTERFEITER. Reprint (1979) of the 1924 ed., paperback 24 x 15 cm., 111 pages, XIX plates. Fine book, with biography on this notarious 19th century counterfeiter. € 21,80Lawrence, R.H
. MEDALS BY GIOVANNI CAVINO "THE PADUAN". Reprint (1980) of the 1883 ed., stapled, 22 x 14 cm., 31 pages., six illustrations. Description of the superb falsifications of Roman medaillons and coins. € 7,50Prokopov, I. et al. CONTEMPORARY COIN ENGRAVERS AND COIN MASTERS FROM BULGARIA "LIPANOFF" STUDIO. Sofia 2004, paperback 22 x 14,5 cm., illustrated. English text. Describing 152 coins and two coin dies of this famous counterfeiter. Weight: 160 gr.. € 18,50
Ravel, O.E
. NUMISMATIQUE GRECQUE FALSIFICATIONS / MOYENS POUR LES RECONNAÎTRE. Reprint (1980) of the 1933 ed., hardbound, 105 pages, X plates. French text. Excellent study to Greek counterfeit coins and means to recognise them. € 36,00Sayles, W.G
. CLASSICAL DECEPTION, COUNTERFEITS , FORGERIES AND REPRODUCTION OF ANCIENT COINS. First ed.2001, 23,5 x 16 cm., 196 pages, fully illustrated. A candid and objective look at the history of falsifying ancient coins. € 31,25